Hi :o) Could someone maybe wise me up a little please?! I am 18 weeks and 3 days pregnant. For the last 4 days I have felt an odd feeling in my lower abdomen. I have read all about 'flutters' and...
Be able to 'feel' anything at 11 weeks like a lump or something because all i have is a bit of bump which looks just like a fat belly. I getting a bit concerned as i dont what to exspect and keep...
Hi all! Well, it's the day before D day, can't believe it's gone so quickly! Went to the consultant yesterday who will induce me Monday if no arrival before then, but I am having movents today like...
Hi all, I'm going for a membrane sweep next Friday and then if that doesn't work I will be having an induction the following Wednesday. Has anybody had any experience of a sweep? Is it painfull and...
For many years,my wife has noticed that when she removes the pillowcases to wash them,there is a darkish yellow stain on my pillow. Now,I don't use any hair products and wash my hair regularly. I do...
Hi. Does anyone know if being on the pill for a while (10 years) would effect how long it would take to fall? I'm planning to stop to taking the pill in August. Thanks. Hx
i have black hair and green eyes, my girlfriend has red hair and green eyes, what are the chances that i could produce a blond almost white haired blue eyed child
hi everyone i am planning a 'credit crunch' camping break with my sons and would love to know some cheap cheap games i could take (limited space) or some games i could make - indoor and outdoor. any...
Hey. I'm 16 weeks gone and i'm having all sorts of worries about if the baby is okay, and if anythings wrong with it, I just wanted to know if anyone else felt like it? And when I should be able to...
Im 5 months pregnant and have felt the baby kicking for a couple of weeks now. I have asked my partner if he wants to feel but he says no. I think it might just be because its a bit unusual & he...
I'm not saying it's wrong to be gay but, if it is natural, how come you never see gay animals? Or do they not realise they are gay and never find another?
my friend whose boyfriend lives with her and her two kids got an anonymous letter through the post the other day. it said that her boyfriend is cheating on her. she believes it though there is no...
well my mrs is pregnant and I have worked out that the most likely place that she became pregnant was in the back of a taxi in Vietnam. I had just been to pick her up from the airport and we couldnt...
Hi All, My sis is 16 weeks pregnant and has a really awful cold. She has taken paracetamol to get rid of the congestion headache but is there anything at all she can take to make her feel better and...
Hi every1! :D Just thought id let u all know, i gave birth to a gorgeous baby boy called Theo Wilson Parkin on 30th april at 4am! He weighed 7Ibs, so not as small as they made out he'd be. He has a...
hello i have a dillema, i had my daugter 4 weeks ago, i was trying to breast feed for the first few days but unfortunatley it didnt work out for me or baby, so i had to formula feed, anyway i started...
Is there any way I can find out how much my ex-husband earns without going through the CSA? He only pays me ?190 per month for my nine year old boy and I think he should be paying more.