hiya, i saw someone reading this book the other day, then i saw it being sold in a store, and i heard its coming to the cinema soon, a lot of people make a big deal out of it sayin 'ooooo..u should...
I was thinking about the shooting on the tube train recently. The man was shot 5 times by a undercover police officer. the peson used a handgun and shot the man 5 times in the head, surely FIVE...
I am so sorry to ask this, but enough is enough, Has BOOBESQUE got big boobs? Please understand this is a purely academic question, i am keen to see why people pick their user names, my son christened...
Before you say any thing the title isn't a typo, I got an account on an art site a while back, what do you all think? http://pliskin256.deviantart.com/
To borrow ?5740 at 34.9% and let the debt grow to ?384000. See here: http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-1190377,00.html What should the courts do?
im getting married and I want a certain song to dance with my father . I can't find the whole song though please help me its called " my little girl" i think it by Tony Parker but im...
Last night I taped three progs Law and Order my fav cop show, a documentary, and Jonathan Creek and all were made unwatchable by having a figure on the screen "signing" you know for deaf people....
What is the scariest horror film ever made? Im not talking about special effects here, I mean 'Hiding behind the sofa' scary. And what makes a good scary horror film in your opinion?
It seems time to move out of CB, like I said on my suggestions thread:- Here the newbies seem to have taken over, sadly to AB's demise, or perhaps it's just time to throw the towel in and...
Im sat in my office discussing the program V. Did it exist cos im the only on ewhoo rembembers. About lizards that dressed as humans. Did i dream this?
I am afraid of the responses that I might get not being what I hope to hear, but I still need your feedback AB! I would like to know if you think that 1 year into a relationship should be enough time...
Just to let you all know that twiggers is poorly, bless him and you know what that means girls, hes twice as bad as what any of us would have it!!!! seriously tho hes been really sick tonight,...
In mid-late May I bought a pair of jeans from Peacocks, at the end of last week when I went to iron them I noticed they're practically worn through in several places. They've been washed 4 or 5 times....