I live on the edge of a village in a house on about one-third of an acre. I have a problem with wild rabbits digging up my lawn. They do not bother my plants a great deal, but they are making a mess...
I was wondering if anyone using this site has actually done this diet and how did you find it? I am thinking about starting it this week. I have given it loads of thought. I do lots of regular...
Does anybody know what this saying means,'whos my buckeen?'My partner said his irish grandad used to say it to him all the time whenever he saw him and we wondered what it actually meant.Im not sure...
Okay - I have to do a piece of art using 12 descriptive words. I thought you would be able to think of some good ones for me. So far I have "incredulous". Can you think of some interesting describing...
Why are my Victoria sponges such failures? I buy ones that have risen beautifully at Church sales. Mine are flatter than frisbes. I tried making one today with all butter, three very fresh, straight...
Hi, A few months ago I saw a website advertised for online subject activities for children at middle school age. I'm pretty sure it was a bbc thing, similar to the bitesize thing but for younger...
Hello, Im wondering if anyone saw the Rolf Harris Programme on painting the Queen of England a while back. It was by an artist that I have not been able to find. From what I can remember the painting...
Is it possible to buy a normal looking long life light bulb or do they all look large and squiggly ? They don't look too good inside the shade when they are on.
Not sure how to spell this but are there any clinical reasons why a pregnant woman must have a Caesarean instead of delivering their child naturally? from a medical point of view. Like the baby is in...
This is driving me mad! I think this book is by Hans Christian Andersen. All I can remember of it, is a bird and a statue of someone in a town square. Im not sure but I think the birds peck out the...
This question has been buggin' me for ever and eternity... So staticians state that toast will always land butter side down and that cats will always land on their feet. So what would happen if you...
we would like to make a mosaic with glass, say we wanted to stick it down to glass so that it could be held up to the light how would we stick it down most glues will show I think and obviosly not all...
i was approached by an elderley seek man in a turban and beard,( whilst at work) and he started speaking to me, telling me information about myself which he couldnt possibly know, he also told me what...
I've started seeing a guy but i always seem to be the one who contacts him first. do you think its true that men are more interested in women who play 'hard to get'?