Answerbank's addictive, It's worse than Heroin, Back from work, lap top out, Plug in, turn on, log in. Answers to my crosswords, Chats and jokes and trends, Then settle for the evening, And chat to...
Can some one tell me the pros and cons of joining 'facebook' or any other forum as well as Answer Bank ? In particular with respect to preserving ones anonymity.
I've just been having a look at my copy of Homecraft Book ( formerly Dundee edition used in schools when "Domestic Science" was taught)At the end of the book is Division of Income: Sufficient money...
Having trouble with this story mode scene. Looks like a fairly standard 'button mash' sequence. Can't get past the first button press (RT) - he kills me every time. I've tried around 10 times on the...
So the the party of Merchant Bankers , Who are in power at the moment have decided to increase their own salary by thirty two percent, also to reduce a police constables pay by four thousand pounds a...
Just seen it flash up on Sky News: Sad but not hugely surprising given the increasingly online culture. How sad for potentially...
According to a recent survey ( D. Telegraph 15 /1/13), many, many women would be suspicious of a man who opened a door, gave up a seat in a bus, etc. as an act of good manners/ chivalry. Personally, I...
I passed my driving test yesterday with only two driving faults, one fault was for hesitation and the other one was for not stopping and pulling in to a safe place and the road did not seem have any...
'We may be recording this call for training purposes....'
Do they record each and every call for evidence? I wonder what would happen if you told them the same?...
My son is playing Minecraft on his iPad. He wants to purchase it on our iMac too. I'm not very good at these things so he has the ability to pull the wool over my eyes. Is there a valid reason for...
Browsing through FB I came across a shared post with a quote from a site called, which kind of rings alarm bells. Nevertheless lets ponder the quote; 'Respect yourself enough...