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what are the answers,if the pendulum if it moves in a circle
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I am engaged to a man my family has never met because I met him while living abroad. We plan to marry here in the States. Although not a problem for us and most of my family, my sister and her husband...
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Im a 14 year old girl, 5 foot 1 and i weigh 10 and a bit stone. Is this overweight? i read stories in magazines and theyre all like 'i weighed 11 stone when i was 14 so i went to the doctor and he...
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on the tv programme teen angel on the disney channel. Why can steves granddad see marty (the angel). I thought only steve could see him
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Who was Jack The Ripper?
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between which years did world war two occur
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Is there a god? I mean look at all the different relgions around the world who all believe that THEY are right & the others are wrong. They can't all be right can they. Which is why in my opion it all...
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Lee Priest
If someone cut off your eyelids, could you still go to sleep?
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When was Rod Stuart born?
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who sings the current song with the lyrics "iv'e been watching,i've been waiting, in the shadows.."
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were all witches burned
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who was the first ruler of england
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We survived 1999/2000. What I wish to know is how long have we got left according to some people's beliefs? When will I witness the 'Rapture'? When will comet 'die allearthlings' smash into the...
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Is it true that by virtue of an unrepealed law dating back to Norman times that in a certain Churchyard you can legally kill a Welsh man with a longow?
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How many historic buildings were destroyed in the UK during World War II?
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i have been told that when charles the first was beheaded a piece of collar bone waschipped of and flew into the crowd many years later it was found and returned to the royal family who replaced it...
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What was in Pandora's Box?
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Isn't there a new song out by evanescence, or at least by their lead singer(amy lee?? I know its not on the album, does anyone know the nameof the song?
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Hi, how far does the boatman carry souls into the next world? Is there an exact measurement given in myths?
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can anyone tell me what the name of the song that is used in the omen. it is also played in the reebok advert, as well as many other programmes and films?

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