10a : aquatic animal (9) //l/g///r 8d : lacking teeth (8) e/e/t/t/ (is is something like edental?) 9d : pointed marine creature (8) ///r/i/h Not doing very well with this Xword today. Any assistance...
Going slightly crazy - have done Prize Xword and You Mag but stuck on Sir Lancelot 16 a Asian nation (9 letters) t/d/n/s/a 21 a Basic part (7 letters) r/e/g/t Any help would restore my sanity....
Good morning - is 18 down: comrades, companions (7 letters) - cohorts
I have /o/o/t/ and can't think of any other answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated....
The suggested solution to the MoS bare Bones crossword can be seen on facebook.com/barebones.crossword If you like FREE word apps, check out shortestword for the iPhone and iPad - see details on...
feeling very thick today, last two
7 across freedom to enter 4,4 letters o-e- d-o-
and 19 down in short what mozart's friends were 6 letters m-s-n-
thank you in advance...
last few: 9a: brought into the open (5) no letters yet 1d: become profitable (3,3) /// off 2d: outline of a stock plan (10) - may have gone a bit astray here. Have already finished Prize Xword and You...
This is just to wish all ABers, everywhere ... a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2013 bring lots of solved clues and crossword prizes for the lot of us! Best wishes - have a great one!...
Totally foxed with 18d Herb in duck & orange recipe or Perrenial herb (7) Thought it was Parsley but other words in its make up don't fit. I have P_E_A_O. P from Make Up; E from Terminator; A from...