Hi there, I'm looking into paid work in America for this time next year but am looking for a package where you get a job that comes with accomodation and includes flights etc. Can only find deals with...
When I'm feeling lazy, I make "milk coffee" by heating milk in a jug in a microwave until it's boiling and adding the milk to instant coffee powder/granules in a cup. I then stir the mixture. If I...
Hey, i have just recently moved into a rented house, and was having problems with my radiators making clanging, screeching, airy noises. the landlords came out and bled the radiators for us...and upon...
Is it difficult - would we need to get a professional in to do the job or could a quite handy diy person do it? thought I'd ask before I suggested it to my other half!! thanks in advance !!
Someone told me that it is much cheaper to use the washing machine at night rather than in the day. Is there any truth in this? if so how much cheaper ?
I took my passport to the post office last Saturday afternoon and today my new passport was back with me [ courier service], boy am I impressed or did they laugh at my "Olive type" photo so much they...
Our dog (Border Collie X 6yrs old) has a small dark mark that has appeared on the white area of her left eye. Its about 5mm long. I took her to the vet and he said that it could be cancer and reffered...
im trying to find out what 'mcmxlvil' means its on the bottom of a certificate my dad got for crossing the equator when he was in the navy many yrs ago. ive found that mcmxlv mean 1946 (ithink) but...