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whats the worst insult you've ever gotten?
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whats your favorite Adam Sandler film? here's mine:
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with becks and posh headin' for tinsle town he says its to promote the game of football to the american kids, like they'll give a toss!! bet in 2yrs time Becks will have a top selling book "Football...
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is George Bush taking the pi** outta the american people by his soooooo staged performance at the ceromony for the soldier that died saving his mates? it made me wanna barf, honestly like he was...
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does anybody remember the minipops LP that was out in the 80's, i remember one of the songs went- sittin' in the back seat kissin' and a huggin' with Fred- and another was- sweet talkin' guy oooh oooh...
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hi, there is a new Shampoo/Conditioner on the market called Naked. supposed to have no "bad stuff" in it. has any1 tried it yet? thanx
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......are you a wanna be poet? or are u just a wanna be??!
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hi, im moving into a rented house soon and it has an open fire but it doesnt have central heating, im wanting to get a heater for the bedroom. one thats safe and distributes good heat! can anyone...
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after countless efforts to find the best foundation i just simply cannot find one thats nice. ive resorted to wearing Boots no7 Intelligent Colour (you just buy Fair-Medium or Dark and it perfectly...
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after countless efforts to find the best foundation i just simply cannot find one thats nice. ive resorted to wearing Boots no7 Intelligent Colour (you just buy Fair-Medium or Dark and it perfectly...
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im 23 & got engaged to my boyfriend who ive been with for 6 years last year, his parents have never really liked me although they consantly try to deny it. we now live with my mum with our little...
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Im thinking of having my wedding abroad hopefully in the coming year or two. Has anyone had any experiences in getting married abroad? Would love to hear some comments or ideas especially from those...
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Help...does anyone know when/if the Star Wars films (all 6) are coming out on DVD box set? thanx ;o)
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What the hell are the stars thinking??? the ex-slater girl got the best comments yet she was kicked off! the doc from Neighbours is bloody BRUTAL! funny but Bloody BRUTAL!!! I actually felt embarrased...
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Help...does anyone know when/if the Star Wars films (all 6) are coming out on DVD box set? thanx ;o)
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Just stumbled across this video of Madonna's song "Dear Jessie" havent heard it in years, i adored it when i was young! thought it might bring back memories to some people! its a great song, one of...
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My mum seems to think that "Baby" out of the film Dirty Dancing was in an early episode of Friends as Rachels friend? is this true?
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there was a programme in the early 90's i used to watch in the animated cartoon it had 5 teenagers that had 5 magic rings the rings were earth, wind, air, fire, water (i think) and they used it to...
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in the last scene of the film 50 First Dates there is a really cool version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow being sung by some guy. Does anyone know who sings it? its not on the soundtrack! its driving...
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does anyone know wen the whole six starwars film are coming out as a box set?

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