Do you think Osama knew that the towers would collapse or was this a 'bonus' as far as he was concerned? And, if he wanted maximum devastation, why didn't he plan it for later in the day when more...
Can anyone explain to me why so many people in the UK appear to consider it rude to remove shoes indoors - including those that are muddy (and of course almost inevitably carrying traces of dog...
How much are you ' allowed ' to drink on a weekly basis ? I feel guilty for drinking during the week if I have drank on friday sat and sunday and I wonder am I being to hard on myself. thank you devit
It seems that the length of the question didn't allow room for the reply button! Anyway, my reply is: Really, really tough one this because there are such good arguments on both sides. My natural...
Often when I do a shutdown/restart, my system acts like it's going to restart but then doesn't. I have to shut it off by the power button and restart that way. Why is this?
'ello! I've got the single Getaway by the Music and its great ... i was just wonderin if anybody knows where abouts they are from? Cos i was in a small bar once in Liverpool and im sure i saw the band...
A word with several meanings. My current favorite is 'devices' ; a contrivance, a plan or scheme, a system part, a motto, a conceit, a masque. I also like the word masque, though not multi, and chiral...
What is that name that the ITV Champion's League commentator has started calling Veron? Is it Sevre or something like that? I thought his name was Juan Sebastian. Is it a nickname?
Never mind those irritating sayings - what about the really boring ones. Such as? My own unfavourites include 'personal fitness trainer' ... 'singer-songwriter' ... 'peace process' ......