I'm sure I've asked this before! (my poor memory) I recall downloading a demo of a game that involved you jumping into a big robot suit and smashing buildings etc with big flailing robot arms. The...
Hi Santa brought me an XBox 360 for Christmas and I have been most annoyed with the confusion surrounding the online access. I tried to view SKY Player through my Xbox (which MS is proud to advertise...
I want to buy a new console. I have a toddler and wife who love Kareoke and so am looking to play those type of games. Myself? well I like the old fashioned WW2 type games with the old sniper rifle...
my 360 is dead, I need to wait a while before repair, I am going to dig out the old xbox, any classics that I may have missed? I have never played through a max payne game, worth a visit? What about...
Hi Can anyone tell me any good game applications for the iphone 3g. from costing Free - ?2.00. I can never find any good game apps that are not a lot of money.
Hi all.hope you can help.
my son wants empire total war for the PC, do you have to pay a monthly subscription once you have registered for the game . many thanks
i am currently in the states and have a tom tom from the uk. how do i download the usa map/highways onto the tom tom? the only lead i have with me is to plug into the cigarette lighter in the car.
I am keen to get a copy but I have read that the game is not easy on first timers, the lobby system makes it hard for you to get a game, is this right? What is the learning curve like?, can I jump in...