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Has anyone got the Sky Customer Service number please...
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Are there any other wearers of Fitbit that have stopped getting their weekly email ? Mine didn't arrive last Tuesday as it usually does and as yet nothing has arrived this morning
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Hi this term my daughter is going to start walking to school (big step for her; bigger for me!) She asked me if she could have a phone in case of emergencies which seems reasonable. Anyone got...
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melv16 They're back, only a day after the saker eggs were removed....
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I hope the rain keeps off for the varying street parties going on...
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Has anyone out there claimed successfully, if so, how did you go about i, and is it too late to claim? Thanks in advance.
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Watching a TV drama today, one of the characters went to Cambridge University to do a one-year Masters Degree in Law. When she got her results she found she'd been awarded a 'first class honours'....
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I have always paid this bill quarterly by cheque, but when I checked my emails this morning, I have received an email from them demanding payment for this quarter and telling me ways to pay. I have...
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Just finished watching this 10 part series - excellent. No definite plans for another series as far as I can tell, but I do hope one materialises.
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look at the questions on the six episodes of the 1% show? I have spent ages trying to google this question but it only leads me to the programme recordings.
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Coffee Dresser Grammar Potato Revive Uneven...
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I am ashamed to say I only speak my mother tongue, despite all those French lessons for five long years at school. I am tone deaf, cannot mimic or do accents and have trouble coming to terms with the...
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Name a food that you absolutely loathe, & could never eat. For me, mushrooms, olives, liver and brussell sprouts come instantly to mind - I honestly couldn’t eat them if you paid me lol! How about...
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could it be "Thedevil" - who was something else even before that...
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I contribute every month to cancer research and Macmillan nurses and do one offs like the Covid last year and Ukraine this year. How often do people give ?....
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What you had bought you that you've never bothered with or used. I ask because I often have a walk round the no end of charity shops in my area. Now depending on what your looking for you can pick up...
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11d. report.s?o?.43a support. ?r???h. 45d.raise quickly. ??r??/up.
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I'm hoping to get my children's novel published soon about an orange b&q bucket that lives on the island of nantucket The problem is I need to retrieve an earlier draft from my wheelie bin but edna...
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Don't buy washing up liquid that is the same colour as your bowl.

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