Final 2 clues. Can anyone help me finish these 16 Do they rule part of the Big Apple. (6) 93... but a believer in hard work leads five staggering in to the waterway.(5) (6) ...
one or two questions thatI have answers for but not 100% sure, any confirmation appreciated. 31. an anagram of first 7 letters? 40 what is the other name for a long story (epic or saga)? 97 I've...
is there a connection between "cheats" and win at all costs between the number of telegraph ,mail and express readers(and politics) and the rest of us?
Just three to go !!! 38ac Middle C or two notes above it -O-E 44ac Sounded as though it had got the wind up T-C-E- is it TICKED or TACKED? 50dn Swallowed over a thousand T-O-