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My kids eat big round things labelled 'cookies'. I say we are not American so we should call them biscuits, my wife says they're not the same as biscuits and so it is right to call them cookies. So,...
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darth vader
In a bid to beat insomnia i stopped drinking caffeine from about lunchtime onwards, and basically drink decaffeinated drinks or hot chocolate in the afternoon or evening. Since then i sleep like a...
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Can anyone remember a series of books that I remember reading in school in the 1980's about a character called Tim? I remember that titles like the Stump People and the Highwayman?
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what was the name of buck rogers' sidekick?
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darth vader
Why are humans evolving to be bigger? In earlier centuries people were definitely shorter so why are we seemingly evolving to be a taller species?
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andy hughes
Just what is it with this dreadful programme? While channel surfing this evening, I caught a few minutes and they are STILL paying people to send in films of todlers and babies falling off things and...
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andy hughes
Having seen the 1940's film 'Dead Of Night' when I was about nine, the memory of Hugo Fitch, the dummy in the final short story has given me a morbid fear and dislike of dummies and puppets that lasts...
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Remember the film BIG with Tom Hanks? There's a piece of music I just can't put my finger on it, I think it's when he plays it on the big floor piano. I know he plays chopsticks but what is the tune...
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Why are Americans so gullible?
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I remember Master Bates, Seaman Staines and Roger the cabin boy - but were there any other 'double-entendre' characters ?
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Okay this is a bit of a wierd one... I have a casting coming up where i need 2 real-life confessions for a screen test. Does anyone know where i can get hold of some which i could adapt/ pinch/ borrow...
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does anyone know about how much it would cost to send a computor over to Germany it does'nt have to be express delivery as long as it gets there
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Or are the Harry Potter books ( especially the later ones ) a darn good read? Is this because 'children's' books don't try to be too clever, and rely on a good narrative instead of disappearing up...
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Going to visit Cornwall this summer,wondered if anybody has visited the Eden Projectm if so is it worthwhile?
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anybody know of any time travel paradoxes in books apart from the Grandfather paradox
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When I woke Up this morning, I discovered we had three ladybirds in our bedrooms and bathroom.Is there such a thing as a nest of ladybirds? If not what are they attracted to?
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Does every one know how to play this game?? It's fun and easy...all you do is take your first pets name and add it to your mothers maiden name and this gives you your P0rn star start it off...
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Following on from Sally's question re bad breath, is it kinder to tell someone they suffer from halitosis?There's someone at work whose breath absolutely reeks, and everyone has noticed this.Should we...
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How can I avoid overeating when I am stressed?
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Where did the saying 'Sod's Law' originate and what does it mean?

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