Sorry - mind is a blank this week think I have spelling mistakes too. Looking for: 10d) old battle wagon C?A?I?? 30a) reliable ?R???? 31d) bad tempered ????Y 42a) area of undeveloped land (5,4)...
Hi all, Couple (no, actually more than a couple) this week - stumped again - blame the fact that I've just come back from holiday! 2d) wooded valley T?T?S???S 13d) barbeque food ?M?A? 66d) DIY injury?...
Stuck again... Is a sea perch a BASS 11d? Looking for: 17a) any peak over 3000ft - ?U?R? 60a) Links Gold Course (is it ROYAL) R??A??R??N 80a) helpless ??T??A?L? 70d) chalk like mineral (2nd last...
Late in completing this one - looking for a little help if possible?!!! 16a) insincere talk B?N??M 71a) Joint highest Scottish goal scorer ?EN? S??W 32d) convert (assets) into cash ?I??I??T?...
Sorry think I am asking same clues as hoggyboy earlier - but cannot see his replies anywhere - sorry if I am covering old ground..... Looking for: small wood - N?P?I?E Not straightforward - E?E?I?R...
3 clues looking for please: 111 down: hero ?H??? 112 across: soft thick lump: ?L?T 125 across: appointment calendar: YEAR ???N?E? Last letter of 111 down makes first letter of 2nd word of 125 across....
Looking for two answers please: 7 down: nullify A?O?? 25 across: pivoted R?T???D The 7 down answer, last letter, is the 25 across 5th letter. hope someone can help thank you very much.