Is it true that if you wax your legs (any part of body) on a regular basis your hair will eventually stop growing back and you will never have to shave again? has anyone heard that or no if that is...
All i have heard about is one of the house mates who is meant to be the 'double' of victoria beckham, well who is she? I have watched it a couple of times during the day and i can honestly say i have...
Hiya does anyone have any idea at what sort of age a male cat will start to spray? i have two kittens one of each sex 5mths old and i was told to becarefull with my male spraying my home, i hadnt...
Has anyone seen Will Smith new film, the persuit of happyness? what did you think? I was expecting a real good film coz its Will Smith but instead very disapointed! Any views?
What is the best way to get rid of these things? my garden has mud piles all over it and when cutting my grass i realised they are red ant nests, ive tried the hot water and ant killin powder but they...
Does anyone know if you are actually aloud to be having bonfires in your garden at any time of day you want? Where i live no one has any consideration for anyone and you can garantee as soon as you...
Has anyone seen this film above with Hugh Grant and Drew Barymore( i think that is what its called), any way if you havent seen it then its a must, i thought it was so funny i laughed through most of...
Does anyone know of any good advice to stop eczma itchin so much, i have tried many creams, non bio powder but nothing seems to help its getting to the point i cant sleep at night and wakin to blood...
i have recently got two kittens one of each gender, they are 3mths old and the last couple of days i have woken up to find one of them has urinated in my bath, they are both very good with using the...