There is a funny song in this film, some of the words go: Ning nang nong and the cows go bong, it is an hour into the film when Timmy and the record shop girl are on the floor behind the counter, on...
I want to buy a water filter jug as our water here is so hard that the kettle is full of it, the thing is I have looked on Tesco's site and don't know which jug goes with which filters or vise versa,...
I recognise two of the barristers/lawyers on Corrie, is one of them Recall from London's burning? the other the lady who questioned the doc in Monday nights 2nd episode TIA
My Uncle passed his driving test some 30 years ago. He has recently moved house and admits that he cannot remember when he last saw his licence. he has applied to DVLA for a new licence due to change...
I don't know which part of answer bank to post this question so im here, does anyone know if you have any costs involved if you own a cemetary plot deeds? TIA
I taped Corrie last night and the football must of overrun, It cut off Corrie as Fiz and Tyrone were getting in the car with Baby Ruby, does anyone know what happened after that TIA
I just purchased a game on my phone by Google play and it has not come, the old game with less levels is still there but not the new game with 100 levels!! how do you complain
we painted our bannisters with black woodstain Saturday morning, well not finished yet, they are still tacky and it is Thursday, we are thinking of getting a different one, any suggestions on what...
OMG what a rubbish kettle, the water pours out the lid as you tilt it into the cups and burns your hand, I got this from Kenco coffee points, i warn others, don't even bother with it!!!!