Now that BRexit has been achieved, will we see the BLUE passport again? I should say so, but no doubt all those 'orrible red ones must be dished out first.
If we are 3rd out of eight these are 1st and 4th (7,4) You can exercise with it or you can eat it (4,4) The ability to sing any note without assistance (7,5) Anglers pal from Fleetwood (10,6) Thanks...
17d Glaucoma's such - not initially funny 6 o?u??? is this ocular 23a Jellied food swallowed back by snake not paying attention 6 ??L?e? is it asleep Thanks for helping...
Teen smow has always had bad skin - spots on face, shoulders, back and it has really really got him down. We tried every cream/wash that you can buy, tried various home remedies too. In the end we...
She now says, despite having said the opposite earlier, that she wants to remain with the people who have prevented her from deporting so many terrorists. Wasn't removal from their jurisdiction, part...
Please can anyone explain the new car tax rules coming out for year. I do not understand the basics at all. I need to change my old car should I buy a petrol Car?
Are some airlines treating their customers like idiots with the amount of seat space given? as many on here I've travelled quite a bit, we have just returned from Cyprus on a T Cook aircraft, it was...
Can't believe that fear, greed, and a xenophobia, that has NO place in the 21st century, has triumphed. I'm sorry England, but you need to hang your collective heads in utter shame. Roll on the next...
Forgive me but I must quote AH here from another thread. But if you voted remain, are you quite happy to accept this? "What concerns me if we remain, is that the EU will know beyond doubt that the UK...