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I put up a high-voltage electric fence over the weekend. My neighbour is dead against it....
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28. say it twice, then read all about it! (5) o???a 18. never first (6,3) n?m?e? ??? If no. 18 is number two, then no. 28 is o?t?a Any ideas please...
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So, what combination of the following would have you jumping for joy ? 1 A Brexit vote 2. A Remain vote . 3 Hilary Clinton becoming President 4. Donald Trump becoming president...
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The EU Referendum is by a great distance, the most important vote that this generation has to decide...however... Is anyone else [i]absolutely bored to death with it?[i] Seriously - there's the rabid...
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Anyone there who could advise me as to the best batteries to use as the ones I am using Duracell seem to last no time at all or is there anything I can do to lengthen their life Thanks to all...
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25 combat in the round (5) a???? 28 say it twice, then read all about it! (5) ????a The third letter of 25 is the first letter of 28 10 a real bowl filler (5) ??d?e Thanks...
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I?D?A - cannot see why this is India but can't see it is anything else? Any ideas/explanation please?
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Right account about estate. I have C?R. Can someone give/explain the answer. CAR?
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a kind of bunting[-r-o-a-] and relating to the god of wind in greek mythology[e-l-a-]
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starting _ _ _ _ number 4 word answer please...
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17 across declare list ne never have happened (--e-t-b-e)...
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Does anyone know how to say Good Morning in Polish, or something just as friendly and cheery ? I am working in Llanelli for the next few days, and there are lots living there ( ! )
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In the last week it has been very warm here, and consequently I have been using the AC more than normal. But why is the AC continuing to run when I reached my destination and turned the engine off ?
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anotheoldgit Just because this particular pensioner was...
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for later, but will look forward to the wolves on here later to get their teeth into it!!! Got to give it a chance I say!...
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I'm not a smoker but I'm amazed at the continued measures that keep coming against smoking. It's not illegal to smoke if over 18 yet more and more regulations keep coming along. There is one legal...
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can anyone settle a debate please. if a driver is driving in excess of the speed limit on a motorway, will a camera flash as they do on normal roads or are there hidden cameras that will clock ones...
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Three left and I'm stuck 13d Steep road for Damon? (5) -nd-r (ender???) 13a Top of profitable well removed by guide (5) ----r 14d Less than Sunderland can hold (4) --l-...
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Exactly 3 years ago I bought my first non-mechanical watch, a Rotary Aquaspeed chronometer. It has kept perfect time to the second and is still functioning. Is a 3-year battery life unusual?...

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