I want build a small raised area in my garden, contained by a decorative wall.The wall would be the small sections type from B&Q etc. It wouldn't be more than a foot high. Does anyone know...
For umpteen weeks now, I've had bad interference, both visual and audio on specific channels. Sky News and the Cartoon Network are particularly bad. The sound is fragmented, and the picture often...
"The sculpture has been installed behind The Oratory gates (Liverpool). It will stay there until 2008, when it will be found a new home in a BBC building, as part of the corporation's art...
I really, really like this site....I like the people who contribute, I like the format, I like the formality, the impersonality, I love the general feeling of altruism, and also the distain with which...
This is a crossover between music and film. I was listening to Desmond Decker - Shanty Town tonight. The lyrics go, "oh-oh-seven,...oceans eleven" ...anyone know what "oceans eleven"...
Sometimes, in the movies, you'll see a scene, often on the beach, where the moon appears to be huge, almost filling the background. Is there anywhere where the moon can be seen like this,...
Can anyone explain the "lifting people with your fingers" trick, that we used to do several years ago. One person sits in a chair. A group of people hold their hands, one-on-top of the other, above...
Can I cut off the long danglling "roots" that grow down from the joint of a leaf, without doing any harm? I just want to cut off one in particular, which is growing upwards against the wall.