We are having them for dinner today, made by our butcher. Probably the last until autumn. I remember Mr Brains faggots advertised a lot on the TV years ago, always thought the name unfortunate. ... ...
I've noticed that the recipe has now changed (added plant protein and less beef) and they taste not so good. There are 8 reviews on their website - all of them are 1 star. Has anyone had Birds Eye... ...
An old, tired-looking dog wandered into a man’s yard. He could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home and was well taken care of. The dog calmly came over to the man and he gave... ...
I dreamt I was eating cold baked beans topped with vanilla ice cream. In the dream I told my mum it tasted like porridge - which I'm sure it doesn't. If anyone is into dream interpretations, I... ...
for a gloomy outdoor corner? It is sheltered but doesn't get direct sunlight. Previous occupant was a Camelia which was happy there. I want a replacement for a large pot. Thanks
Is there a name for the type of bottle that has a large stopper attached to the bottle by a sort of hinge/clip that is used to open the bottle? Hope someone knows what I mean
Whats the oldest piece of furniture or item in your house. I have a victorian metal plant stand about 3 feet high that I found in a out house about 20years ago. With surface rust on it I had it... ...
My daughter has a shady bed in her garden ,the soil is slightly acidic and she would like some suggestions for a couple of not too tall flowering shrubs, my suggestions ( turned down) Camellia (... ...