Not sure whether to post this in TV or in "Tech", so apologies if it is in the wrong section. We recently started a subscription to Now TV, and are able to watch it on our smart TV (Samsung), Ipad and...
stuck on a few this morning ....
21a 25across short implement knocked over (4) ??p?
24a wine bottles I say smelt bad (6) r?e?e?
Cheers in advance, Chox....
Stuck on 4 this morning .... 8a talk foolishly, claiming I'm human perhaps? (7) ??i???e 12a old olympian overtakes new one, running backwards for a stretch (5) o?e?s 4d cadge from cleaner (6) ???n?e...
Finding this one really difficult today... would appreciate a push in the right direction, please, folks ... 1a. The car of your dreams (8) s??????r 5a. Approachable female appears in a moral tale (7)...
Hi AB peeps, does anyone have a full postal address for Customer Services at Virgin Media. We had a 9 hour broadband outage yesterday and I would like to vent my spleen at them with a formal letter....
Really stuck on this one today .... 7a poem, while oddly cheery, funny (8) ?????h?? 9a reportedly, you look for African country (6) ????d? 2d class: old, old actor (6) ?????o 11a figure in touch with...
just a few left - not helped, this morning, by the fact that there are no numbers in the grids in the paper crossword .... 19a top diner from Devon (7) s???t?r 22d superior fool standing up for...
stuck like glue on a few this morning ... 5 Mamma Mia finally shown in French port (6) ?r?a?? 8d aroused? By implication no! (6,2) ??r?e? o? 14d Cobblers fitting sole in alcove (7) ?a?o??? 17d one...
Hi folks, not quite sure where to post this query, but here goes anyway .... I have been gifted a lovely pair of faux leather trousers. But I'm not quite sure how to care for them, as well as not sure...
Absolutely stumped today with this one, so would appreciate a bit of a push in the right direction, please .... 1a jump on this passenger vehicke: European tours popular( 10) ??a?p?l?n? 1d weary about...
Just one left this morning, completely stumped... 21d rest put on top of food in waste collectors (7) n?c?i?s (that's assuming that all the clues around this one are solved correctly!) Cheers, folks,...
Hope you all had a great Christmas Day folks .... we certainly did here - even if it was very quiet! Back to crosswords this morning ... just two left on this one this morning ... 22d an official in...
A very Merry little Christmas to all ABers! Whatever sort of Christmas you're doing this year, I hope it will be a great one for you all! Just got home from our usual Christmas morning walk (shorter...
Stuck on a few this morning .... 7 sporty student to initiate classy descent (4,5) ???e ???o? 10a rich cake and drink found in Gaul, mostly (6) ???e?? 1d crow and lark's head covered in butter (5)...
Hi Green fingered ABers out there ... wonder if you can help, please. In our new-ish (created last summer) front border, ever since it's started being so wet, I am having a constant battle with teeny...
stuck on a few this morning .... hope someone can please put me out of my misery .... 10a vessel returning in long boat (7) ??????? 26a ceremony in country during days of biblical fasting - is it...