Hi I have two pairs of shoes (male shoe) both brand new but every time i wear them they rub my heel to give a blister, does anyone know an effective way of softening the leather to make them wearable...
I bought some army print camouflage k swiss trainers last year they are mostly white but have the moving stripes which change from army print to brown I need to find another pair but I cannot find...
does anyone know the name of the company that did the sparkly knickers and other accessories on last weeks wedding episode of the apprentice??? Thank you
hi does any1 know where i can get decent wooden wardrobes from? im looking 4 a triple wardrobe with hanging rail in all three doors a double one n a linin cupboard (tallboy). does any1 have any ideas...
Hello! I bought a previous;y viewed DVD from our local rental shop a few days ago. As I began to watch it, about 10 minutes through it, it jumped all over the place, then froze. After what seemed like...
hi my partner has a vw polo petrol automatic and when you drive it and accelerate it really clunks/jolts between 1st and 2nd gear but only at the start of a journey does anyone have any ideas as to...
I have just recently travelled back from Germany using a satnav system which i was very impressed with ,but i noticed that the satnav displayed my current speed this was contantly about 5-8 mph lower...
I have a silver necklace which cost me ?50 (apparently it's 'Italian silver') and is about a year old. It has become tarnished to black over most of its surface. Have I been conned? Is there an...
Hi i have some fruit trees and the top leaves have green fly and black fly on them they are also teaming with ants who appear to be dealing with this problem by eating the flys would this be ok to let...
i want to know a song and the artist on the new Comet electronics Advert...(the advert is a cartoon about training) . It is also been the background music for cricket on Sky Sports too.. thanx