Is there a site that enables you to track down lost and forgotten savings accounts? My late father in law took out a savings account for my son who is now 30 years old. It has never been touched and...
In the middle of me paying some bills on line, my computer suddenly decided to shut down and initiate some updates. Is this normal, as I had to start the whole process again? Very annoying!!!!!!
I am just re-reading The Moneychangers by Arthur Hailey some 34 years since I first read it. It is uncanny how the story mirrors what is going on in the banking world right now. Greedy banks putting...
Just paid a VAT Repayment into a bank that I partly own. The payment was a VAT Payable Order issued by the Government, but I still have to wait four days before I can make payments to suppliers, just...
Why oh why is ITV still showing the reminder about Emmerdale and Corrie's alteration of time, two weeks after it has started? Those of us who love and watch the programmes, clocked and filed the info...
I've just tried to view a couple of things on Youtube on my laptop and then my husband's PC. Both show very juddery pictures and sound. The PC shows about 5 seconds of sound and picture and then...
Can anyone tell me what the pros & cons of Letters of Credit for Export purposes are. Banks don't seem to like them. Why? Do they provide the cash that the Exporter needs to fund a large order, or are...
My computer is telling me I have an answer to my question but it is not showing when I try to view it. I've followed the link from the e mail with no success too. Any ideas on how to view the answer?
Why do some mortgage companies take houses into Receivership/change the locks and deny entry and others go the way of gaining possession through the courts, thus giving the owners a last chance to...
What sort of lead would I have to buy to connect a small TV to a battery using Bulldog Clips? Many years ago we had one for our caravan but I can't remember if it was just a bog standard little TV....
We are considering offering our male black lab as a Stud Dog. He is a Sandringham Labrador. He is Kennel Club Registered and we have his full Pedigree etc. Are there any documents we need, or...
Is it easy to transfer everything from a damaged laptop, (just the casing is damaged)? Do I need lots of discs, CD and/or DVD? Any help much appreciated.
I know that Billy Joel wrote this song after hearing that the young people of today thought that "history" was from "the old days". Is it true that the lyrics were used by teachers, either here or in...
Can anyone tell me how to stop unsolicited "witheld" phone calls that are just recorded messages asking about debt matters. Some are 0845 numbers. They are infuriating. Thanks
What IS wrong with Simon Cowell's face? He looks as though he has cotton wool balls in his cheeks and his top lip is not moving. A recent session of Botox?? Anybody agree?