Had a wee toes-up in the Shrubbery after everyone else turned in for the night and then thought - well, while I'm here, I'll pop this in and then go and do something constructive for the rest of the...
It is week two already in the reign of King Fordward. Last week he brought a breath of outdoor fresh air and pleased many of you who got (at least partially) on his wavelength. Will the same players...
8a Do your opening section first -A-T- 16a Driving away with engraving -H-S-N- I am now brain dead but I think 8a is canto and 16a is chasing can anyone confirm as they are my last two
Getting in early today, as the site seems a little temperamental - keeps sending me off for the toolkit - now that's a disaster waiting to happen !!! But with a little time up my sleeve I can do a...
Below is King fordward's introduction to the first MM Links Game of February. Good morning all, I would like to start by thanking gen2 for all his assistance and doing the posting due to my work...
And are we all present and correct, for the start of a new game and a new month as well !!! I'm not too sure about the mob in the Shrubbery, they may all be snowed in and totally inebriated to boot -...
This being the first weekend of the month, we have a new setter for the MM Links game and welcome King Fordward to the throne. He nearly backed out after winning the January game but was finally...
I have done most but these are stumping me 1 Spanish in the circus 9,6 2 Beware - The Plague 10,6 3 Entertainers Collect 7 4 Ted might have lived here 9,5 5 A 400th Anniversary 5,6 6 R.A.D.A....
Today I received a Recorded Delivery Letter informing me (quote);- "INTERNET PRIZE DRAW ENTRY No *****", Congratulations !, Dear Mr. T, I am delighted to inform that you have won a prize to the value...
Another tough one this week. Nevertheless, anyone else finding it elementary so far? p. s. Sorry to miss last week's discussion - my login was repeatedly rejected until Tuesday. Seems ok now, though.
Absence from MM (and AB) To disclose or not to disclose ~ that is the question? Just over six weeks ago, my 92-year-old father-in-law was rushed to hospital with breathing difficulties. It has become...
This is Queen Pauline making one final effort to get through to you all on the psychic plane for the fourth and last MM Links Game for January. Oh just where have my 4 weeks gone? I feel I could go on...
Here we are, bright and early again this morning - ready for whatever gets thrown at us - look out, incoming haggis - duck !!! Actually, a strange thought just went through my mind - that may well be...