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Just an observation really; all you CBers are bewailing the suspension of CB but no-one seems to have noticed what has actually happened: you have hijacked Suggs. Keep it up folks, some of the posts...
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come on, play fair, it was no harm and ed is being tolerant so why can't you all be grown ups too? If anyone has any suggestions they wish to post tonight and haven't the technological grasp to...
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That is just a rumour spread about by people who have fallen over me 10 points for the person who IDs that gag before 12 midday tomorrow
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Who do I ask for permission to reply?
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To all you mammals out there, we have lost one of our own today, a brave and valiant fighter who was deflected from their path and deluded into thinking there may be a saviour who would have pity, let...
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takaway is here! Bet that reminded u of CB eh? Eh? well did it?
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your beloved site will not be ruined by members with a sense of humour relax i know that this is your social life and it is probably all you have outside your bedsit world but if you dont agree with...
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I have decided I am going green and I need support, what about a category on here for all those people who feel it would be cheaper, use less paper, petrol/diesel, etc, to be able to have extended...
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You know that old joke about two blokes (let's say they lived in Dublin) who found a dead donkey and didn't know what to do with it, so the first one, let's call him Pat, says, let's raffle it, and...
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Can anyone tell me whats the most central Travel Inn or Lodge in London?
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any ideas how i could locate the nice wallpaper thats in the rovers return pub. thanks , karl
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I have approx ?8000 in high interest debts and am only earning ?500 per month currently...I also owe even more to family and my partner. I have considered going bankrupt but cannot afford the fees...
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i had a reply from the ed via e mail, note she DOESNT say we cant carry on usin suggestions! Hi The chat allowed in AB Suggestions was a temporary measure so CBers couldcommunicate new forums, chat...
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why are there a few sad 'no lifes' on here trying to bait decent people?.........oh thats right....they're sad little people in reality so get their jolly's from trying to be summat on here!...sorry...
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quibbmedusa ABED is obviously quite keen on the mindless drivel, she has given carte blanche to the BiddyBank, which resides here in...
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What is the point in closing the Chatterbank section only to allow people to post the same pointless drivel in this category?
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I don't normally watch this, but happened to leave it on for the headlines. Is it just me or was there something unbelievable about ITV News' bragging about how they forced Charles Kennedy to admit...
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Robert G
A 99Pence coin and a ?9.99 banknote would be of real use to shoppers. So why can't these be introduced into the British currency?
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in helping some people? i answered a question from dmh205 about a now defunct girl ban, who i happened to know a member of and got a right sarky answer back! ooh i hate rude people! sorry, had to get...

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