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This is a genuine question and is not intented to offend or stir things up. I have been listening to various media over the past few weeks and noticed people were referred to by shortened names of...
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I had a really bad relationship which I broke off last December, where I was emotionally abused (mind games, making me think I was a bad person/going crazy, manipulating me, controlling me & my...
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Sorry, but I'm not used to this actually going out and pulling stuff. Got a snog on sat and we got on really well, he took my number and text me Sunday am, and I replied but have not heard a dickie...
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Gilly : )
Hi had my belly button pierced about 2months ago but it is still very sore,red and slimmy. I clean it every day but it doesnt seem to be getting any better im not too sure but i think it may be the...
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Are they intentionally making Ashley and Fred angry with Claire for 'what she's done' to highlight how some people react to mental illness.? If she had cancer they would be sympathetic and devastated...
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hi hope you can help me as im at my wits end with worry well my 21yr old got pulled by the police like he does nearly every week he always shows them his papers and everythings ok, but for some reason...
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I worked in a travel agents, on my first and last day a man asked me if there was any cheap flights to warsal? I said get the train its cheaper, he looked puzzled and asked for the manager apparently...
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I am having problems sleeping, getting to and staying asleep! I got some herbal tablets to try which made me get to sleep fine but I was still tossing and turning and woke up several times in the...
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Hi all. Was tucking into some lovely chilli beef fajitas for my lunch on friday and ever since have had a terrible pain on the right side of my chest. It feels like something is stuck or wedged in....
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My partner's 9-year old daughter spends alternate weekends with us. Last time she had an upset tummy following the visit, and this weekend she gave us an edict from her mother about what we're...
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If a parent does not give permission for their child to be kept behind at school for a detention and by that I mean actually says "no" for a very valid reason can the school still keep the child...
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Hi guys, moment of (slightly alcohol induced) mini wobble last night on my way home from a work night out. Basically, I am surrounded by friends and colleagues either getting married or already...
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Mr Honda, of the Honda Motorcycle Corporation, died and went to heaven for judgment. At the gates, St. Peter told Mr Honda, "since you've been such a good man and your motorcycles have changed the...
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Hi, my dad has very strong premonitions which usually come true, they are usually done through dreams but he says the dreams are not like normal dreams they are very different and when he has one he...
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Just for woman. You can fight back!!!!
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How do I get rid of a blood blister under my foot? Needle ?
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wonder years
hes mine m jackson lets dance and shout shake your body to the ground i used to think it was shake your body like tooth brush, mud on the dance floor instead of murder, valarie instead of out of...
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whats your fav way of spending the evening? out on the town getting smashed?? snuggled up on the sofa with the one you love?? watching the footie ???? cmon guys whats your ideal night?? out or in!??...
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Does anyone use this? It claims to reduce pore size and decreases the amount of grease on the skin. I'm gullible when it comes to adverts and will buy this product unless someone tells me otherwise.
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start writing a reply to a thread and then just think, "Oh I can't be bothered" and delete it?? Happens to me quite often, especially when I'm drawn to post in News. Maybe my self preservation...

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