"About 1.7 million species are known - we suspect there are anything from 10-30 million species on Earth," explained Dr Richard Lane, director of science at London's Natural History Museum. ...
I have a Yucca plant which flowered last autumn for the first time. The flowers on the stalk are now all dead, but what do I do with it? Will it flower again this year? Look forward to hearing...
I have recently been told by a gentleman that works in a lasik eye clinic that once you have lasik surgery to correct astigmatism, you can never have successful cataract surgery. Is there any truth to...
My husband has a reverse osmosis unit which he uses to provide "pure" water for his fishtank. Does anyone know if we can also use this water in the steam iron and for topping up the car battery...
What is the three-word main title of the first novel by an American female author to sell over one million copies worldwide? We've thought of Danielle Steele, but if anyone has any better suggestions?...
i made some bolognese sauce and froze it - then defrosted and made canneloni with it. I made too many so I froze some. But i've just thought - I can't can I? (I didn't heat the sauce up before...