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Hey, I'm a filipina whos currently working as an au pair in Norway. I have a boyfriend and we recently found out that I'm pregnant with his child. We're wondering if there's a possibility I can gain...
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AB Editor
An apology: Sorry I missed last week's Bake Off Thread. I will submit to whatever punishment suggested by the eager baking crowd... ... but not before watching episode 4 of GBBO! This week they tackle...
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Is your front garden classed as ' in public ' ?
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ToraToraTora Ok standard DM...
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Does anyone know if it is possible to get a garden "composter" for dog mess rather than put it in plastic bags?...
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Could it be that the main reason Asian men wish to keep their womenfolk behind closed doors and unable to associate within society, is that they are afraid the women will let it be known that sexual...
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anotheoldgit Nice to see that the carnival everybody loves went off quite peacefully....
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Dee Sa
yesterday I was sent a video presume its on U tube of a small girl about three sitting in the garden and they do the "ice challenge" over her, whether the water is actually cold I don't know, once...
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ChillDoubt I wouldn't let a 9 year old loose with felt tip pens let alone a semi automatic machine pistol!!...
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Probably showing how far behind the times I am but what is the ice bucket challenge ?
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How do you fancy looking after this lot !.
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No matter how hard I try I can never get a boiled egg to my liking - would buying the above make a difference.
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Talk is the net is used by extremist to fight in the likes of Syria / Iraq, surely this could be monitored and stop ASA by the right authorities.
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... those eyes! Sigh .......
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Whenever you run a tap you want a wee? Or when you've got your hands in a bowl of washing up you get an itch? Mr. c says it's sods law. Have you got any other instances?...
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How do people cope with society?...
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Have bought a steamer and without going into too much - ordered it on the phone. Have received it there now and a note saying how much it is etc. I will write a cheque but what does it mean in the...
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Mine is hanging its head now and decidedly past it, do I leave it alone to go to seed or can I behead it and leave somewhere dry?
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I used to enjoy a handful of walnuts with my morning porridge. Having just had my remaining teeth heavily filled I'm reluctant to start biting into them again. Would they be edible if grind down in a...
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We're thinking of taking the kids to the US or Canada for a holiday and was wondering what you could do with them of an evening as I know kids are not too welcome in drinking establishments. Usually...

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