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I heard an instrumental funk album done by the Beastie Boys the other day and I have no idea what it is called can anybody help?
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How can i watch the rugby world cup online from my pc at work ?
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Bob Ross, of The Joy of Painting (currently screened on cable TV, series filmed late 80s/early 90s) - rumour has it that he died. Anybody know the truth? He seems such a nice bloke, I would like to...
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Does anyone know where i could get q tray on wheels, like you eat your food off in a hospital bed
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The computers / robots create a virtual world for the minds of the humans bodies they are growing - this world seems much like our world now. If the robots/ computers wanted the humans to be happy...
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is the election campaign serious? is he a strong runner? wot do the people of california think of him? is there a chance he could be govenor? Does anyone know the answers to these questions? and if...
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Hardly Arts & Literature I know but I was wondering where I can get an 'Issue 1' DC Comic valued.... Surely there must be some website where you just enter the title, edition, condition and get back a...
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Does anybody think they know who the footballers are at the centre of this very serious allegation?
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OK, who's got the best method for getting a leave free day off-work. Nothing outlandish, just something better than 'Uuurggghh..cough, cough..I'm not going to be able to make it in today...'! There's...
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Hi can anyone recommend a good mp3 player, and where I get get a really good price for one. Thx
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What does 'irie' mean? (Ithink it's a Jamaican word).

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