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cool jool

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This is a serious question for people who regularly do the Radio Times cryptic crossword. . . . I was doing the Radio Times cryptic crossword every week and enjoying it, and even thought I'd look for...
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cool jool
17ac Expert investigating our helicopter crashing (7,6) 16d Easier way to produce crop (5,3) Any help or guidance much appreciated....
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Slightly stuck, can anyone be of assistance please ...... 16 Across ~ Wasting an award (7) *T*O*** - 24 Across ~ Put down drink without starting (5) *U*** - 14 Down ~ Wearing sunglasses outside, point...
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Hi there everyone. Please help with 19a 22 delivered encouragement (6) ?A?R?? 25a Attitude in which is example (6) ?T?N?? and 20d Note the church's share (5) ??T?? Many thanks...

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