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1A- A North Amerian pyramidal coniferous tree, widely planted for ornament and timber (7,3) D _ _ _ _ _ S _ I _ 30A- A small, fleshy, finger-like flap of tissue that hangs in the back of the throat(5)...
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12 across Young and beautiful maidens -Y-P-E-S
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1, Al Jolson's first full length film screened in 1938 was titled ? 2, Where will you find Toulouse-Lautrec's painting 'The Moulon Rouge'?
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12 ac young and beautiful maidens -y-p-e-s
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anotheoldgit rgin-atlantic-ad-sexist-ofcom Many on this site have in the past constantly accused the Daily Mail of printing 'non news' trivial stories. Well this...
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Where is everybody this morning. have you all left the planet or are you all on a search party for legend? One post before this since 6 AM and that dont really count as it was only knoknoses post.
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My friend recently bought a 50 inch telly and I bought his 42 inch one off him. Is 50 inches the biggest telly you can get?
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Think I'll go to bed! Unless I can be persuaded otherwise.
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Sunday papers... why does AB get taken over by people who can't do the crosswords and puzzles? where's the satisfaction from asking for the answers? it's not even the afternoon... have you really...
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I read this article that said your car reflects your personality. I don't have a car.
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Any chance something can be done to get pages to display in IE? When I try the page just hangs trying to download adverts. In Firefox, with ads blocked, pages download OK - mostly.
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I will start... between 50-60.
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Are they all now jumping on the band wagon? Carol Thatcher's comments? are the French complaining about been called frogs, Irish, Paddys, Scots, Jocks, Welsh, Taffys, Why is it that it is the same...
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webbo3 Dave.
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is it true that Pm is ONE EYED SCOTTISH IDIOT lol I thought he was satan in disguise lol by the way i dtn mind the scotts lol
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white weather presenter said to resemble a snowman no body batters an eyelid . where is the equality Am I right ? I'm not wrong !
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'Gone Tomorrow' will be published in the next few weeks - I've got my copy on order. Can't wait!
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is there a topic where I can ask questions about past times and hobbies?
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Does anyone know the origin( geographic or linguistic) of the name "BAIRNER" ?
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....if her husband was having an affair?

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