The Michael X files were given a D notice and wont be opened if at all until 2055 ish. Do you think as well as the photos of Princess Margaret the files contain evidence of the paedophile activities...
Apparently he got in with a backdoor key? He slipped up though as I got a message about an impending dentist appointment he had, so was able to identify him. My question is, would a full system...
Service for 3 weeks. I phoned and cancelled, cancelled the direct debit and signed up with another company. After cancelling the DD they took out a further £53 claiming they did not receive notice of...
My boyfriend is not contributing anything to the relationship and has family issues so I want to say in a firm but not confrontational way that I think we should be friends until he can contribute...
For instance if a woman asks the man she is seeing if she means more to him than just the "fun stuff", and he replies you matter more than just that to me, rather than you mean a lot to me? Does using...