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As the thunder storms were heading for the UK over the weekend there were similar storms making landfall on AB suggestions. Could we have a vent category or vent sub section, so the rest of AB can...
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when people post that it might take a few minutes for their questions to appear ... i am fed up of reading the same questions repeated about 2 minutes later because presumably people are impatient!
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I would like all various topic posts and the members banned when they post on any subject on B&S because its the -quote- first place that people read - unquote. I come online and read every topic's...
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Does md have the tick box yet?
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AB Editor
Please note that this category is only for AB Suggestions. If AB users continue to submit postings that are not relevant to this section, they will be potentially banned from the AnswerBank. Thanks
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THECORBYLOON 295970.html
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Just seen on the news that in Middlesbrough they have CCTV cameras with loud speakers, if you drop a piece of litter a voice tells you to put it in the bin. Do you think this is a bit over the top?
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I think this is pathetic to be honest. I think most people know better than to strive to look like these models because it's not real life is it? Fashion shows are shows and the clothes in them aren't...
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Have you done a good deed for someone today? Or has someone done one for you? bC :o)
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_________ TTTTTTTTT _________ (Nine T's in between two parallel lines
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The recent sad death of Steve Irwin gives rise to the deification of celebrities after their death. Specifically Caron Keating, with whom the Daily Mail enjoys a ghoulish obsession. As far as most...
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Captain Swab
Well well, he has finally bitten the dust. As much as i am saddened by any death, this fella had it coming for a while. I feel sorry for his wife and child, but still seem to think it was kind of his...
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How do people handle this? It isn't just children that can be bullied, I have felt bullied today on the thread in the suggestions category, having been bullied when i was 10 I experienced the fear and...
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i'm new to this but as ive been looking on the topics i've noticed a lot of people know each other wouldn it be a good idea to have a chat forum or something as well?
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whats the nicest thing you have done for a non related pensioner!! and no MRS Harris post's!!!!!!! lol
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have you ever seen a tramp walking down the road and wondered what their story is?
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I saw this and thought of u whiffey lol Anyone remember this one? stion144537.html
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if you was the prime minister or a person of power, what would you do with drug dealers and addicts??
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A woman and a baby were in the doctor's examining room, waiting for the doctor to come in. The doctor arrived, examined the baby,checked his weight, found it somewhat below normal, and asked if the...

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