Why was Tracey allowed to win this week when it was obvious that her game plan was to give low marks to the others and to complain about everything. Her food, comprising mainly cupcakes, was rubbish...
It's a very old song and it's sung by a woman with a wobbly voice, very much a gramophone song. It's very slow and quite dramatic and the lyrics go something like: 'baby, I's really like to stay here,...
A bloke goes to the doctors with beans all over his head, a sausage up each nostril, a tomato in one ear, and a piece of fried bread in the other. The doctor tells him: "You've not been eating...
i can't find any covers or cases for my kindle in an actual shop (I would like to get it tomorrow) Has anyone got both gadgets? Will one of those neoprene ones do?
i have been asked to compile a quiz for my pre-school, as a fundraiser. I did one a couple of years ago and it went down very well. I am really stuck now though. I don't see the point in asking...
Two friends met each other on the street. One said “Tjeez, I heard that your grandmother died recently, what did she have?” “Only some jewelry, an old TV and a little bit of...
just got some lamb out for tea tomorrow and decided to do roast veg with it.....ive got loads of radishes...as anyone ever roasted them? what are they like?
My son's having his impacted wisdom tooth out in hospital today. He has been in absolute agony for the last couple of months. I'm sure he'll be fine but I'm worrying about him! I'll be happier when...
We are having fry and chips later on for tea. I decided to cut them up earlier on to save a bit of time later. At the moment they are sitting in a bowl of cold water. But what is the best way to keep...
This is just a test with 20 questions and at the end you are given your mental age. http://mymentalage.com/new I did it twice, the first time I was 8 years older than my age, the second time 11 years...
Funny how when you hear something in your younger days that could or could not be true, you still believe it as gospel if you can't proven its authenticity. When I was 17 we went from being paid cash...
whenever my little boy brings anything home anything from beavers, it absolutely stinks of cigarette smoke. I find it very offensive. Even his necker - he was so pleased to get it, but I had to take...
only minty things in house..... extra strong mints which i could powder....toothpaste, a small smidge should do it,.......or some mint choc chip icecream which i think would be nice if i ate the choc...