I have bought the above, but on installing it I find that I can't receive any ITV Channels. I have a digital aerial, and I think the connections are all correct, because I can receive all the other...
Anyone know if the Topfield 5800 has a facility whereby you can call up a list to see what programmes you have set to record? I don't mean the EPG, where you have to scroll through all the progs to...
I have a Topfield 5800 PVR. I thought I read somewhere, you can start to record a programme half way through, and the Topfield will record it from the beginning of the programme. I cannot find the...
For example, I am paid ?184.70, and I know that my tax rate is 22%. Without knowing the pre tax amount, how do I work it out using just those figures, ?184.70 and 22%? I have looked on answerbank and...
anyone know of good websites that sell the type of clothes you normally get from market stalls? found one which is www.quizclothing.co.uk am looking for similar things to this and asos. not expensive...
I know it's corny and you know exactly what is going to happen next, most of the time; but I can honestly say it's about the only thing on tv at the moment that I really laugh until I cry at. Does...
I love my home made burgers. In with the mince goes spring onions, chopped garlic, chillis, chopped mushrooms, chopped peppers, squirt of tomato sauce, squirt of worcester sauce, squirt of lemon...