Just had a row with Mr.Curvy, top and bottom is, he had a magical childhood and dunt know how lucky he is, whilst I had a nightmare one, having to watch my mum being beaten daily by my drunken father....
Oh my days! Just watching this and that woman who impersonates Britney Spears had a serious case of 'camel's toe'......how embarrasing, wonder what she will think when she sees it! Mortified. lol.
I didn't know where to put this, sorry it's boring but hey ho. I need to spot clean my settee, just ordinary muck, not spills or anything. What's the best way, using just household cleaning stuff ??...
I like to make them taste better by adding certain things, eg mustard, brown sauce, worcestershire sauce, them little crispy dried onions and dried sage ( not all of them together tho ) Any other...
I'm not asking this for attention, just serious answers from people with knowledge/experience. I am 5' 2", small build ( size 3-4 feet ) but my boobs are 38G. My back hurts all the time and I...
Anyone remember this from the 70s/80s? According to google it only seems to be available in the US or Canada and costs a fortune. Does anyone know who originally made it and if it is available...
Broke it 2 months ago, and been told today I will probably never get the proper use of it back. Am right fed up, it's the middle one on my right hand, and theres so many things I can't do now, ranging...