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1. An area arounf Whitefriars London in the 17th Century ; a sanctuary for criminals (7) ?LS?T?A 2. In music, a jaunty rhythm (4) L?L? 3. In Greek myths, a priestess of Aphrodite. who killed herself...
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Objects, especially carved images, worshipped as gods (5) i???S Idols or Icons? Thanks in advance...
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1. Chap lacking prime bit of meat made cooked fillet (6) A?A?E? 2. Go pale, recieving bill - it's a sham (6) ?A?A?E (may be FACADE) 3. Harry, the Trojan hero (6) ?O?T?R (may be POTTER) Thanks in...
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1. Curtain set level in opening (8) P?R????? 2. Depression controlled after I swallowed sedative (8) ?A?????N 3. Travellers' jargon heard in harbour (6) S????? 4. Prisoner French collaborator beheaded...
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Thin white edible mushroom (5) E?O?i Thanks in advance...
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If an infirm relative goes into a nuring home for long term care is it true that the nursing home claim their house to fund the care? Can they do this? I heard recently, I think, that relatives have...
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1. Someone held by a person or organisation in order to compel another party to act or refrain from acting in a particular way (7) H ? ? T ? ? E 2. Town in west central france on the river Loire (5) T...
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1. Walls or jetties built out from riverbanks or seashores to control erosion (7) G * O * i * S 2. Loud confused noises, as of a crowd; commotion (7) * * M * L * S 3. In architechture, an ornament of...
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Is it illegal in the UK to specify on job ads that only (males or females) will be considered; eg 'Wanted, office supervisor in steel industry. Salary £150000 - open to female candidates only'...
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1. Doesn't go in for reducing like posh people (6) * * E * * * 2. Not working when there's a quarter missing? (8) * * * * * * N * 3. A piece of land away from home (6) * * i * * * 4. Bird in...
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1. Likely to snap under pressure (5) * E * T * 2. Not working when there's a quarter missing? (8) * * * * * * N * 3. Close of play (8) * * * * * * U * 4. They enable backward looking people to...
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1. It's a country that's not in dispute (7,5) * * * * * * L / * O * E * 2. Pretty collection (8) 3. Understood the devil came to a lawful end (8) * * * * * * i * 4. A secluded walk (8) * * * * * * E *...
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1. Of al the trees, only the ashes will be left after this (6,4) * * R * * * / * * * * 2. Early leaf of nominal importance (5,4) * * * * * / * * * E 3. We infer a reduction in numbers (5) 4. Infantry...
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1. Of al the tress, only the ashes will be left after this (6,4) * * R * * * / * * * * 2. Early leaf of nominal importance (5,4) * * * * * / * * * E 3. Let it be one sort of square in another (4) * *...
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1. Endlessly ask the advice of a government official (6) * * * S * L 2. Workman in stone (4) * * A * 3. The tree by the way is elder (5) * i * S * 4. It's rolled up for the opening (5) * E * U *...
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1. An infusion of energy (4) D * S * 2. Extend an invitation to sleep on the floor? (7,3) * T * * * C * / O * * 3. Head's quiet retreat (7) P * E * E * * 4. Diamonds could be made to fit (4) * U * *...
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Any liqueur made from fruit or from brandy with added fruit (7) R * * A * * A thanks in advance...
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1. Chemical givesride to difficulties (4) * O * A 2. Work hard to complete the last part (3,3) * A * / E * D 3. It's very hotwhen it'sclear on the hill (6) T * R * * * 4. A row about it is put back...
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1. Can't be fired at bosses' order (8) * S * E * * * * 2. Outcome of the grain harvest (6,2) * A * H * * / * * 3. They may wilt and droop in the centres (8) C * R * * * E * 4. A long time and a bad...
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1. When upset, cry - is it the onion? (4) * * * B 2. Group of theologians implicated in misrule, maybe (5) * * E * A 3. Girl heard in a monk's bedroom (6) D * R * E * 4. Bract apperaing before the...

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