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1. Elevating device that may go over well (8) W * * * * * * * 2. Identified the boy embracing the pretty girls (8) L * * * * * * * 3. A butchery firm owned by a combine? (5,7) * * * N * / C * * * * *...
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1. Certainly; actually (6) i * D * * * 2. In heraldry a charge in the shape of a circle (7) * * * N * * L Thanks in advance...
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1. Bribes bounders to reform (8) S * B * R * E * (SUBORDER)? 2. Unqualified to make a statement (5) * T * N * Thanks in advance...
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1. If there's a man around, he's from the U.S.A. (4) * R * C 2. Masterful man I don't have to replace (8) * * * * * * N * 3. Conditional statement ? (8) * * * * * * i * Thanks in advance...
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1. Where you might go in America if you have time (12) P * * * * * * * * * * * 2. It doesn't become a grown-up (12) * * * * * * S * * * * 3. A craft school for youngsters (8,4) * * * i * * * * / * H *...
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No good at all for use in a riot (9) N * * * R * O * Nefarious or notorious? Thanks in advance...
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Lots may be held in them (7) R * T * L * S Thanks in advance...
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1. Lots may be held in them (7) R * T * E * S 2. Everything unqualified (5) T * * * * 3. There may be a few (5) * * R * * Thanks in advance...
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1. Record-holders (7) * * E * * * * 2. Eve's vicar is upset when the order's changed (4,5) * * C * / * * * * * 3. Servile as East Europeans? (7) S * * * i * * 4. Break away from the craft (5,5) * * *...
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1. Foreigners who produce ill-feeling, we hear (6) * A * * * S 2. Commonplace restriction on a number (5) * A * A * 3. Wood to throw outside for cutting (8) S * * * H * N * Thanks in advance...
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1. Hard-hearted guy backed magistrate (5) E * H * * 2. Character part in "The Caretaker" (3) E * A 3. In port, go revelling (6) R * O * * * 4. Change for the worse, always with appeal...
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1. nautical way to the top (7) R * T * i * E 2. Fed up youth begins to resist (4) * E * Y Thanks in advance...
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1. Food put in the meadows for the birds (10) * * * * D * * * * * 2. Uncivil and it may be drunk, but it's enjoyed by the fit (4,6) R * D * / H * * * * * 3. Wastes time; a case for improvement (9) * *...
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1. Fish cooked inside and covered in oil (6) A * * * S * 2. Not a visitor I’d outwardly object to (8) * E * i * * * T 3. Begins to enjoy writing on battles (5) Thanks in advance...
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1. A result of smoking in bed? (5,2,5) * * * * T / OF/ * T * * * 2. A group of society women (8) * * * * * * T ( 3. Turning a list into a new form (8) * * * * * * O * 4. Fish cooked inside and covered...
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1. Not a subject put on in advance (7) M * N * * * H 2. Bringing back a building's spleandour, or doing nothing about it (9) * * S * O * iNG Thanks in advance...
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Drive from a tee into open country (5) * O * * * Thanks in advance...
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1. Drive from a tee into open country (5) * O * * * 2. What an expert in depreciation makes? (3,5,2,2) T * E / * * * S * / * * / * * 3. He may be wed in the end (5) * D * * * 4. Caught figihting?...
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1. Tom let loose on the ranch (6) * * T * L * 2. Relatively close? (8) * * A * N * * * * 3. They rise and fall to some degree (12) * * * R * * * * * E * * 4. Say I'd go after a government subsidy...
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Savoury taste sensation produced by glutamates (5) * M * M * Thanks in advance...

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