Corrie is getting really unbelievable these days. The recent arrival of Julie, Eileen's sister who supposedly has stage 4 cancer and said it has spread!!!! Watching her last night in the Rovers,... ...
Who else loved the Eastenders 40th week? sad when Martin died, Did anyone vote and for who for Denise to choose and Sonia's baby name. Steve Macfadden was brilliant too and loved Anita Dobson's... ...
We've had a notice posted today saying that 2000 postmen are bitten annually by dogs. That's a lot of bites. Do you make an effort to keep your postman safe from your dog?
i joined slimming world last August and last night i got an award for grearest loser in our group i've lost 3st 3lbs ,i'm unable to do my steps now after the fall i had a couple of years back and... ...
Does he/she actually decide anything that you couldn't have determined was necessary yourself? I went to my GP with a problem this morning. After a brief examination he said "I'll refer you for a... ...
My coworker is leaving her job soon so we decided to have a muck about and take a couple of selfies of us both on my phone. One photo didn't turn out very well and she hated it. I told her I'd... ...
I often visit charity shops / second hand shops, and it would be more than possible to furnish a 2 bed house/ flat for around £1000 including white goods if you set your mind to it and be... ...
Have a GP appointment in couple of weeks as, out of the blue, I started getting "a noise" in my right ear (couple of days after having an injection in my right shoulder for freezing shoulder, tho'... ...
Friend needs to sell her flat quite quickly so is thinking of putting it in the auction. She realises that she will probably get less for it but are there any other negatives? Also has anyone had... ...
... for a fee of between one to one and a half million pounds. But, due to health issues she will be exempt from most trials. She may dish the dirt on her legal malarky which would interest some,... ...
I don't want to sound like a wimp but I am almost 76 years of age and since my husband suffered a severe stroke last November all household duties are down to me. I am OK with the cooking and... ...
JUST FOR FUN! Name someone - singer/actor/ any kind of celebrity that you just can't stand but for no particular reason! I've a couple, but one that springs to mind is actress Lisa Faulkner - she... ...
Can't stand the programme to be honest, but my good lady likes to skip through it on iPlayer. Two rooms away and I can still hear the 'corncrake' screeching away. And how is it everybody's short of... ...