Is the level of spending on everything from welfare and public services unsustainable? It seems everyone now expects the state to cough up whenever any kind of misfortune comes knocking their... ...
I watched some of it but turned it off after watching so called comedians and comedy sketches that were totally not funny but yet the audience as usual was cheering and screaming. It was... ...
I have worked all my life but never did I have any ambition to move up the company ladder or have more responsibility. I was always happy to plod along doing what I was doing in a moderately paid... ...
What the hell? Next they will be saying they are skint and need to close libraries and care homes! God knows how big that climate change department is but you can be sure it will be immune to any... ...
If someone in a pub were to say, " there's a turn on in here tonight ". My 30 year old daughter and her chap didn't have a clue, must be an age thing. Also is it a particularly northern phrase... ...
I've seen some people wash everything individually under a running tap. I fill a bowl with hot soapy water and put everything in. Of course I do rinse the excess off beforehand. This is of course... ...