It seems that every bride or groom seems to want to travel abroad for these parties these days. Don't you think it's a bit selfish to expect friends to pay to attend when they may not be able to... ...
Following the post about Jersey royal potatoes, I feel the same about eggs, even free range eggs bought from a farm, they don't seem to be as tasty as I remember, or is it my age?
As far as I'm concerned it's the lunatic dash for net zero which no doubt they will be embracing but will be a disaster for industry and the country as a whole. Why they think we have to lead the... ... It will be the... ...
Who are they trying to influence and who do they think will take any notice? Its probably the same idiots who like to jump on any leftwing bandwagon that comes their way.
There was an article on BBC news this morning about this and they interviewed an 18 year old girl and she was saying she wouldn't be able to cope with her exams without her medication which I find... ...
Has anyone been to see this? It had rave reviews so we went to see it. I think we must be the only ones who were a little disappointed. I was expecting a lot of classic old country and western... ...