Are you happy? Growing up I don't think the question ever came up. Sure I was sometimes worried/stressed/bored but I was probably too busy to ask myself "Am I happy". I'm still not sure where I am... ... No specifics about the attacker. At least it was a knife attack. Summat to on half-term holiday? Usual dance? ...
I was amazed at this: A woman registered a BP reading of 213/111. The lady doctor didn't seem very concerned by this and sent her off with just antibiotics for a kidney infection. web advice: //If... ...
Does he/she actually decide anything that you couldn't have determined was necessary yourself? I went to my GP with a problem this morning. After a brief examination he said "I'll refer you for a... ...
TWICE in her i paper piece about education policy Alison Phillips writes "He who pays the piper plays the tune". Are journalists nowadays so bloomin thick!
We seem to have very little here (W Mids). Certainly nothing that merits the severe weather warnings we've had. MET office being over-cautious? What's it like at yours? Wouldn't their money be better spent on providing sanitation for the millions of homes that don't have it (or is that what our foreign aid money is... ...