A few years ago there was a picture of a car designed by the Libyan leader, a huge affair which was pointed at both ends. Since then, I'v found nothing and didn't keep the only picture. Does anyone...
There are normal LT bus stops with 'head stop' and 'tail stop' on, and some even have the cheek to add 'driver information only'. What do these mysterious instructions tell the drivers?
Every time we see Iraq, they have half the cars white with orange painted wings. This was in the last gulf war and many views before it. They have no signs on them, and appear to be taxis, but that's...
During a game of scrabble, someone put down 'toner'. I wasn't happy, and predictably it wasn't in the dictionary. My printer uses ink, as do all non laser or thermal printers. So what bright spark...
Why do radio stations change their frequence every 50 or so miles? As it would obviously be easier to keep one for each station nationally, there must be a technical problem if they tried to do this.
Please could someone translaste the Jamaican patois parts from these lyrics http://www.leoslyrics.com/listlyrics.php?hid=X4NiCt7ZgDE%3D to 'Uptown top ranking'. In particular 'Nah pop no style' 'Wine...
Is there a system yet that lets you record more than one channel on cable when you're out, eg Sky 1 and another later on discovery? The theory seems simple but there is no literature in the retailers...
Is there a system yet that lets you record more than one channel on cable when you're out, eg Sky 1 and another later on discovery? The theory seems simple but there is no literature in the retailers...
By adding an eighth digit, the capacity for London numbers was increased by ten. But has anyone an estimate of how long it could be before a third extra starting number is used apart from the current...
My father remembers a small road in Manchester in the 1930s called Back Passage, which isn't there now. Can anyone remember it, or have a pre war Manchester A to Z and can check?
Originally, some Nokia mobiles had an i after the number, and I recently saw most other makes adding some. In a car the meaning is obvious, but on a mobile phone? None looked any different, and I...
The new trick of advertising cheap single prices for flights means you are obliged to ask for the return price. I doubt many people don't come back, so the value of a 50p trip to Amsterdam is...
Knowing McD's usually use famous people, I assume the rapper asking for more change in the new UK ad is someone anyone under 20 has heard of. Being over 40, I have never seen him before, and will be...
I just heard a song on Asian radio 972 AM, and the lyrics were 'Dia dia dia rea, dia dia dia rea', now obviously this means something else in Hindi, can anyone tell me the correct title and what it...
Was there any other meaning to Davina's t shirt other than it being her 2nd pregnancy? Was she trying to advertise a play station game or the Matrix or was that a coincidence?
I will add I read recently here that my favourite Star Bars were still available, but weeks later I am yet to find one. Can anyone confirm a sighting and location?
I'd like to buy a video of a 1964 Peter Sellers film, and though loads are available in the USA, I haven't been able to find one here. As the duty paid on parcels from the USA has stopped me ever...
I have been told the 'Ali G' style hand gestures used by all the young posers both sides of the Atlantic all have different meanings. So all the sticking out of various fingers, arm positions etc. are...