An early start today so I hope that's ok with smow. We are in our way to the vets with Islay. Who has been limping for 2 weeks, not helped by the fact she won't let anyone look at her paws. So I... ...
Zero Day! Starring Robert De Niro - not my favourite actor in fact I would normally avoid anything with him in! I binged all episodes in one go. Really recommend. Its a fair stretch to the... ...
Can any bright spark find how to replace the boot lock on a nissan qashqai 2011 - all my searches are coming up for replacing the boot handle! I want to see if I can do it myself before the garage... ...
Does anyone dealing with them every feel you are being played? My oldie can tell me every single tablet she takes and in what order but suddenly in a space of 6 hours she will open incorrect boxes... ...
We are in contract at another address until July, the problem is it is on the old HD boxes that are no longer serviced by sky and they are beginning to fail. The occupier frequently goes weeks... ...
The sun is shining! Its actually feeling warmer! Are we still in false spring or can I finally start planting seeds? Think I will get some washing out on the line today, won't be dog walking as the... ...
I have a pair of black trouser with a large white strip down the side of each leg. The white stripe is now grey from the colour bleed - they have been washed several times - is it too late to save... ...
I arranged for a BG boiler service for the elderly person we 'care' for. They arrived and carried it out on Monday night, the lady is positive that she did not sign anything and at no time was she... ...
For the first time ever we have mice!! I discovered mouse dropping in the cupboard under the sink, I have double checked all the other cupboards no evidence, even taken the kickboards off and no... ...
This morning we took the hardest decision ever and let Jess go. The tumour that was removed had grown back in 7 days bigger than before we felt that it was unfair to put her through more operations... ...
We lost power! luckily we have an open fire so have been able to warm soup up. trying to keep 2 dogs warm that have both had major operations in the last 5 days is challenging! hope you are all... ...
We have an LPA with a Building society for an elderly relative. When setting it up we were told by said BS that all mail and statements, cards etc would now come to us instead of the donors... ...