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It`s been fun xx
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where you are yet?????????
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to see your boyfriend/girlfriend if you lived in the same area?
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we have manageress's high powered business women , lawyers and the like on AB but no bog cleaners, factory workers social security scroungers and the like?
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Is it raining where you are? It is here and I'm glad, hopefully less snow in the morning.
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If someone ate 160g of Olives a day forever, would it be bad for their health and if so, why?
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Ah , so Wednesday night is civil night on AB.
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Watching a programme on women that do this,and it seems they have very little self esteem,and only do it for attention from men,these women are the ones for go for excessive implants!!
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the wife as been at work all day and now she wants the laptop for half an hour to play bingo, cheeky ******* bitch! what am i supposed to do until she's finished?
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Passive smoking does not cause any illnesses or deaths, as claimed by the govt. Why does the govt perpetuate this myth?
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i am trying to obtain a mouthwash for my 89 year old father. he once had some pink tablets that taken with water produced the pink mouthwash used in dental surgery does anyone know the name of the...
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Dunno if this is the right place for this, but . . . I have what has to be the craziest orchid in existence ! It gets watered as & when I remember (I'm away a lot of the time) It is lop-sided & ugly...
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I dunno, All the response these comments have generated seems to pale into insignificance somehow . . . . after watching the series on UKTV History - Auschwitz(currently on @ 5.00pm each evening)...
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for knocking on the door and then running away?
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like your legs?
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Can you tell me why a question I posted has been "banned" ??? It wasn't of an inflammatory nature, just purely for fun & lighthearted "chit-chat" - I've certainly seen far worse on here !!!! (But I'm...
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Have just seen what could possibly be the worst advert for a long long time on TV . . . . Some obnoxious brat saying he wants to go & "POOH" round his mates house - cos' of some smelly toilet thing -...
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What else turns you off a member of the opposite sex ? For me, it's men with no chin . . or people who show more gum than teeth when they smile !
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What exactly do some people have against people who dislike gingas?
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My mothers name is Karen Rose Tavis she is 33 years old her birthdate is 03/07/1975 and she was born in Germany. I am 14 years old and have never met my mother, She lives somewhere in the California...

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