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seriously thought of - or even applied to go on "Who wants to be a millionaire?" I'd love to, even got as far as getting the info, but the thought of appearing on TV terrifies me !!
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I have eaten brussel sprouts for tea and i feel a nuclear fusion going on!!!
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So the goverment recommends that we walk 5 miles a day, i have struggled doing 3 miles!!!
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There goes the price of pork - now Jamie Oliver's started on his latest mission . . . . . Just looked what happened to chicken - (and yet, since his crusade) - does anyone really take much notice...
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A friend of mine has suffered a fall on Council property & damaged her knee, she wants to put in a claim against the Council & has been advised by another friend not to use one of these "no win no...
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How's everyone??? I've been out having a few red wines & a few games of pool :0) Hello, hello, hello xxx
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Can anyone suggest a reasonably priced hotel in an area fairly close to the main attractions (ie: Fishermans Wharf) in San Francisco Please ?
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I am a fairly able cook but my rice always turns out cludgy! I bring water to the boil sling the rice in bring back to the boil and simmer for 10 mins and..... stodge.
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Hi all, good Xmas all round ? Jes got back from our last trip . . . . & my rant is, after driving 5,000k with virtually no traffic on the roads thru Spain & France - why is it that as soon as you're...
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at someone? Be it face to face/on the phone/e-mail? Feels good to have a wee outburst LOL! .....and relax......
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Daughter wants to do a course to learn Video production (etc) with a view to working in Documentaries - anyone know where offers any good courses ?
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Which eye colour do you find most attractive in men and women?
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I'm new to this site and have posted one question so far. This category looks like the most popular so can anyone give me any advice on the do's and don'ts as a newcomer?
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was told on friday that i have to stop drinking for a while as i have two ulcers so i start the course of treatment on monday anyone else had to do this course and does it work to cure the ulcers
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Ornaments ... I mean ... why ??? Porcelain statuettes. Little figurines. Pottery animals. Vases. Bowls. Weird glass things. Little cottages. I hate them. Please tell me that nobody here has ornaments...
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I'm back again ! How y'all doin' ? All ready for Xmas ? I bought (yes, BOUGHT !!) the Madcon CD & the new Akon one - supposedly for my daughter, thought I'd take 'em along for the journey, they're...
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Gales & torrential rain (just for a change) in France, Blizzards in Spain !!! But . . . apart from that, saw the oddest thing - A three wheeled motorbike . . . . WITH THE TWO AT THE FRONT !! Anyone...
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I've just booked a 3-day break, 24th to 27th December, in a country house hotel. This is the first time we have gone away for Christmas. Hubby's always wanted to do it. How about you? Do you like to...
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I am cooking a ferocious curry, and have Don Giovanni playing in the front room. My god, MOZART! I love Brahms (violin concerto, 1st symphony, German Requiem), Rachmaninov (2nd symphony especially,...
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What is the road distance (and possible roads) and time to get from Reading to Llandudno

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