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i understand that if you are on a low carb diet the best option is spirits, say gin or scotch, but if you are on a low fat diet and still want a drink in an evening. whats the best option? red wine?
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8 muslim doctors, 3 bombs, no dead 1 Dr Shipman, 1 syringe, 300 dead Makes me proud to be British!!!!!!
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Diamond_Dog I am visiting Someset shortly and will be visiting this pub. They like large menu orders in advance to ensure availability. What would you choose from said...
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Do you laugh at inappropriate times? Last night I was out with two male friends when we saw a slightly intoxicated woman fall down a small flight of steps. She fell flat on her face, not even putting...
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I need to make a Waldorf salad for a buffet on Saturday. All the recipes I've looked at don't look very exciting. Has anyone got ideas to make the thing more interesting. It doesn't matter if the...
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can you skim stones who would win a fight between a lion and a tiger was button moon cheap crap or a cult classic have you ever hit 180 when playing darts last time you made stew did you squirt any of...
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After reading Skreeches coke float thing. It got me thinking I haven't had one since I was a kid. We used to go to Morellis and have one every Saturday but then Maccy Ds came along and shut them down...
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jargon or slang for a partiular group of people
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Does anybody know how many artists have recorded this most beautiful song? I can think of 7, including the man himself.
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I've just received an AB notification email, so opened it up to find that not only does it date back to 2005 - there are no recent posts on it. How could this be Ed?
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Yesterdfay someone suggested that us oldies lived in an Old Folks Home - now that to me is a brilliant idea for the Biddybank. I can see Vinny whittling on the door step (or would that be the stoop Ed...
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Ken Livingstone is planning on spending ?100 million of rate payers money on a mega mosque in London that will be bigger than St Paul's cathedral. I have no objections to mosques at all but I do think...
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Scenario: There are a group of guys at a party/bar/club, most are quite gregarious and one is a bit more shy/quieter. Would you men expect the ladies to be more attracted to the party boys or the...
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Hello Ed, For the sixth time in a fortnight you have banned me. Tell me, did you fail the local Traffic Warden selection process, or are you just against free speech? Again, you failed to answer my...

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