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what food are best for boosting your b12 - my g/f has a b12 count of 91 where it was 371 a year ago p.s what should it be in a healthy female ???...
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We have just had a very animated conversation about some shoes that I had as a boy. When I was a lad in the 60's, I nagged my poor Mum for some Clarks shoes, that had a compass hidden in the heel. All...
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Our neighbours have a lovely bamboo plant and we have taken some cuttings in the hope that we can get a plant to fill a gap in a neighbouring fence. Anyone out there got a clue how we can do it.?? Any...
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Any of his films stay with you? I'll have to have a look again at Brighton Rock
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on this dreary,wet,miserable bank holiday???
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We have a Border Collie who is nearly a year old,anyway after we've taken him for his walk we put his lead on and sometimes he'll start jumping up and tugging at the lead which is most annoying,does...
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I need to know more about geneology in the USA, hope someone can help. Are US census records available online. Also is it possible to check B DM in the US. Any advice appreciated.
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We used to have two hedgehogs in our garden until recently when we suspect the spell of hot weather in the summer did for them. Does anyone know of a midlands based centre that might want to rehouse...
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Has anyone heard of a budgie with diabetes? my budgie Millie,had green diareha,was eating a lot and drinking a lot,i took her to the vets and she sai had an infection and gave antibiotics.the poops...
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I have made some home made cranberry vodka, it seems a shame to waste the berries when I drain them, any idea if they can be used in a cake. If so can anyone supply a relevant recipe. Many thanks in...
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I had to have my dog put to sleep last week . She was nearly 14yrs and I have no interest in putting Christmas decs up this year. I am not miserable about Christmas. I love to see them everywhere else...
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I went to a show at the weekend and tasted some commercially made onion marmalade which was nice. However, having won free tickets to the event and not having alot of spare cash the deals was too much...
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We have lots of widefall apples to use, we have made pickles etc. I wondered if I could make a pie filling and freeze it? If so does anyone have a recipe that they have put in the freezer that worked....
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Not long come back from hospital for my last 10 yr check on bladder, and hey, was shocked to find the results werent what what i expected them to be. Flexi camera showed up what looked like furry...
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I have to get through and stay alive! For all that know me then they would know the pain I've been through being left by my wife. For all that don't it really isn't that important. Today is my wedding...
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Crossword answer clue is security breach L*A*S any help appreciated
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I have found two boys in the 1911 census and the same name appears on the WWI death list, how is it possible to check they are relatives and not just someone with the same name. Any help appreciated....
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Tracing one line back the mother is on the birth certficate the father is either blank of not known. She brought three of them up without a partner as far as we are aware and seems to have continued...
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If you wonder why you haven't seen many wasps this summer, heres the answer.
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Captain Spod
while I'm dogsitting for the family next door, I take a Waitrose carrier bag to clean up after him on walks. How middle, working, or upper class are you?...

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