that females cry so easily when males dont. Blubbering over car-parking/insults/problems/difficulties etc. I get so mad that I can't argue without a bluddy tissue !
I currently overpay my mortgage - it's likely to be paid off in the next couple of years - some 16 years early. Woo Hoo! My dilemma is that there is work that i'd like to do on the house that will...
you have inerited from your parents
and what is the worst charachter trait you have inerited from them?
the best is my sense of loyalty
the worst my quick temper...
Thanks for the information regarding USA research have placed the details on the question I would be very grateful if you could look them up for me when you have the time.
Many thanks...
I had a great uncle who emigrated to the US in the early part of the 1900's, married and had children. How can I trace details of his marriage, birth of children etc. I have a few details but do not...
Can anyone help please really struggling with the above, due to lack of sleep and worries about someone in hospital, doing this to keep my mind alert and now its driving me mad 5a A formal work on a...
1. name a tv chef (5,5) mhlstd iaei 2. breakfast tv presenter (8,5) aolkrililrney Any help appreciated. Does anyone know of a site that helps with name anagrams for future reference. Many thanks...
Ive got three chilli bushes in my green house with about a hundred chillis on them .Apart from giving them away what can i do with them.They are green at the moment about 4 inches long
Can anyone help please Clue is Celebrity Chef on Hells Kitchen (6,6) I have the following letters EEAUANTRRNHT One letter missing, any help appreciated
Can anyone help with the following which are missing links (the word links all the other words) Bit, Earth and Gas (R*r*) Bar, pie, topper (**a*t) Any help appreciated
Can anyone help my mum she is stuck on two questions three words have a link word ie black can be linked with beauty, board and jack Here are the ones she is stuck on: call, car ,title (8) C*A***S*...