I have contacted National Archives at Kew, regarding buying Naturalisation papers for my Russian ancestors. Could you tell me what these Nationality/Naturalisation papers would consist of? I don't...
hi we have a quiz from school with cryptic clues representing confectionery such as clever people=smarties, posh people live here =quality street we are stuck on the final answer and its driving me...
Just read a thread further down and someone mentioned sad....Is there alot of suffer on here? If so what would you reccomend for it? And are all symtoms same?
need advice , year ago went on sick, sick pay from employer ran out , 26wks, benefit forms came thru post , but took a turn for the worse , as in depression wise , and not sent them back, now getting...
I registred on play.com and succesfuly bought a (rubbish) book and yes i left a detailed reveiw of the book ! well i ordered a DVD and my order was aknowledged and nothing else happened having almost...
my boyfreing is 13 years younger then me w ehave been together for 10 years he wants to get married i am 55 has anybody else got a differnce in age where the female is older
Hi, we received a letter from the council saying a neighbour had complained about our dog barking. The neighbour is doing it without their name being mentioned. Yes we do have a dog that barks but...
Can anyone help with the last few please? 11a Time when activity is not done (5,6) c*o*e *e*s*n (close ???) 15a Piquantly tasty (5) b***y 14d Used for wahing when eating with hands (6,4) ***g*r *o*l...
Any help appreciated, struggling today with this and answerbank, second time posted 1(a) hunting with hounds (8) 1(d) irreparable (7,3) 15a Female Forename (5) 20a gradual advancement (11) 16d it is...
Help please last three 14a (13) In North America ????S?T?A?T 15 d (9) Person taking decision in a higher court ??P?L?A?T 7d (9) Skilled craftsman A?T?F???R Any help appreciated